Hi, there is no built-in print function, but that is on purpose. The best results are obtained from exporting a PostScript file (or Latex or any other) and print that PS file via GhostScript. GhostScript has a render engine that is specialized for perfect printing quality, whereas WinFIG also has to consider render speed.
Exporting to bitmap files such as JPEG or PNG uses GhostScript. The tool chain is like this:
WinFIG creats FIG -> fig2dev creates PS -> GhostScript creates JPG
But since GIF is a proprietary format it is not supported by GhostScript. Therefore fig2dev cannot use GhostScript for that. Instead it calls an external tool named ppmtogif. This is also written in the FAQ. ppmtogif is part of the Netpbm project, which also provides Windows binaries. Check
here. But I would actually recommend not using GIF any longer. It has been superseded by PNG.
If PDF export is not working, first check if the files have zero length. Try calling fig2dev on the command line like that:
fig2dev -L pdf inputfile.fig outputfile.pdf
It will display additional error messages. Just like for creating bitmaps, creating PDFs is done like this:
WinFIG creats FIG -> fig2dev creates PS -> GhostScript creates PDF
It's likely the GhostScript call has failed.
I did not really understand the problem regarding the JPEG printing. Is the JPEG created ok? If so, it would be up to your image viewer to print it correctly with the right scale. However, I could again suggest using PNG, because it's loss-less. JPEG in contrast is not loss-less and that is good for photographic images, because it decreases file sizes a lot, but not for schematic drawings, because lines get blurred.