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Messages - simplex

Pages: [1]
WinFIG and LaTeX / Re: Special + Windows 7
« on: September 10, 2010, 08:52:38 PM »
This  new version makes things much more convenient on windows 7 / miktex 2.8 (no more UAC windows asking for privileges)

Bug Reports / Re: Editing values/updating
« on: March 22, 2010, 09:17:41 PM »

2. The "UPDATE" button on the main toolbar does not seem to apply to circles.

This is something I cannot replicate. It works fine here. If you mean the radius is not copied, that's right. You can find the attributes being copied int the list of check boxes on the right tool bar.

Thanks for pointing that out Andreas! I feel a little silly now...

Though, I seem to recall that earlier versions of winFIG would copy the radius. Is that a reasonable feature to implement again?

Bug Reports / Editing values/updating
« on: March 18, 2010, 11:34:56 PM »
Hi Andreas,

Following are two bug reports for WinFIG 4.4:

1. After drawing a circle (by specifying radius or diameter), I would like to manually change the value of the radius/diameter to a specified value so I click "Values...".

When I try to modify either radius 1 or diameter 1 by typing in a new value, after I press enter, half of the time a random new value is used which is very close to the one I typed.

Sometimes I have to modify the value 3 times before the random "error" goes away and I end up with the precise value I wanted.

2. The "UPDATE" button on the main toolbar does not seem to apply to circles.

This means that when I want to scale a compound object, but keep the radii of the circles fixed, I have to manually go back and modify the "Values..." menu for each circle in the compound object. In conjunction with bug (1) this takes a lot of time to do.

While fixing bug (2) would help, I can't help observing that maybe an option to scale only (x,y) coordinates would also be useful (keeping other attributes fixed, e.g. radius).

Well that's all. Thanks, and keep up the good work.

General Discussion / export- pstricks font handling
« on: August 13, 2009, 11:18:02 PM »
Hi, I was hoping you could take a minute to explain what the `font handling' option for export to the PStricks file format is for. By trial and error I found that in version 2.xx of WinFIG, I could set it to "2" (if I remember correctly) and the `special' text in my image would typeset in LaTeX using the default font size of the document. WinFIG doesn't seem to behave that way any more in version 3.xx... though it might have to do with my new TeX implementation. Thanks!

WinFIG and LaTeX / Re: Viewing LaTex strings in WinFIG
« on: August 31, 2007, 01:30:57 AM »
Ah, I fixed it! Thanks for pointing me to that registry key, and the fact that you're using AFPL 8.53. You see, I have the version GPL Ghostscript 8.60, which creates the key
and puts the strings GS_DLL and GS_BIN there. So all I had to do was create a new dummy key
and copy those strings over. You should add to the notes on your web page that users should use the correct version of GS, or else have WinFIG search for these different possible keys.

BTW Very handy software--my papers I have to write will look much better and get done much faster now! Thanks!

WinFIG and LaTeX / Re: Viewing LaTex strings in WinFIG
« on: August 30, 2007, 09:22:18 PM »
I have a problem with WinFIG crashing when I use "special" strings too. Looking at the log file I see:
C:\WinFIG\"\gswin32c.exe" -q -dSAFER -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pngalpha -r96 -dEPSCrop -sOutputFile="C:\Temp\texclip.png" "C:\Temp\texclip.eps" failed with error code 123
This line is not syntactically correct for execution at the command prompt (in XP) -- the portion "\gswin32c.exe" needs to have the backslash removed: "gswin32c.exe"
I believe this is the cause for my error. Is there a way I can reconfigure winFIG to effect this change?


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